Set out below is information that may be useful for adding this program to your vendor catalog or BBS.
Whilst it is not a requirement, please inform us of the fact that you are distributing SETUP.EXE so that we can place you on our list of vendors and ensure that you are supplied with new versions as released. We would also appreciate receiving a copy of any catalog in which SETUP.EXE is listed.
The following is a brief description of the program for your information:
Program Name: SETUP.EXE
Version: Version 4.5
Date released: 21 June 1995
Preferred BBS Filename: ASETUP.ZIP
Computer: IBM compatible capable of running Windows 3.0 or above
Operating System: Windows 3.0 or above, Windows 95, Windows NT
Short description:
SETUP.EXE 4.5 - <ASP> 'The Original' Alternative Setup Bootstrap Program
A FREE alternative and highly customisable and enhanced 18k SETUP.EXE bootstrapper program for Windows development.
Long description (20 lines max, 75 characters):
SETUP.EXE 4.5 - <ASP> 'The Original' Alternative Setup Bootstrap Program
A FREE 18k alternative and advanced SETUP.EXE bootstrapper program to the
Microsoft-supplied program for Visual Basic. Also for use with other
Windows development systems such as Borland's Delphi.
SETUP.EXE is the program which the user runs to install your application
(as in A:\SETUP). It is designed to pre-install specific files (such as
DLLs and VBXs) which are used by a main Setup program (for VB developers
this will generally be SETUP1.EXE) which performs the actual application
installation. Once these files are installed SETUP.EXE will run the main
Setup program, passing it any user command line parameters.
Features of SETUP.EXE 4.6 include full dialog box and error message
customisation, Windows file version checking, optional temporary install
directory use, setup log, allows VB programs to run during install, and
more - over 22 configuration settings! For Windows 3.x, 3.1x, 95 and NT.
Includes complete Windows help. C source code also available.
Uploaded by Author: Mike Chapman, Chapter One Developments Ltd.